Title: Spring Group Show 2019
Date: 29th of May til 14th of June 2019
Artists: Elio Ciol
Arthill Gallery is pleased to announce this year's Spring Group Show which will bring together the works of Elio Ciol, Wang Changgan, Zeng Jianyong, Paul Balland and Phil Miller.
These contemporary artists have all worked in very different mediums but come together in our Spring Group Show to create an exhibition of visual tranquility while tapping into the social context of our world today.
Elio Ciol’s work is part of the Neorealism movement in photography; a predisposition towards everyday life of ordinary people, depicted to induce social and political transformation. His focus as a documentary photographer started with the rural world, shifting to emigration (with a focus on the railway station) and finally to the life of children. His images are never aggressive – no display of grief, no insistent showing of suffering or death, not disturbing to look at – but rather, joyful in nature.
Artist catalogues available upon request.